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Lunch Menu

Our OLL School cafeteria is pleased to offer daily hot lunches for our Kindergarten through 7th grade students.  An additional sandwich menu option is available for our 2nd through 7th grade students. 
For information on lunch prices and related, please review the below information from our cafeteria manager, Christina Bordelon.

Dear Students, Parents and Faculty,

Welcome to Our Lady of the Lake School Cafeteria! We are planning great things for our lunch meal program this year including new menu items, nutrition days and special events. Our student lunch price for the 2024-2025 school year has increased:

Student Lunch: Kind. - 7th Grades ($3.65), Reduced (FREE)
Adults: Faculty ($5.60)
Extra Sale Items: Milk (75¢), Box Juice (75¢), Water (50¢)
Students receive each item listed on the menu. Please note that any additional items ordered from the menu will result in an additional charge.

Listed below is some information about our program:

  • Returning students will continue to use their pre-assigned computer number. New students will be issued a number before the first serving day.
  • We are asking that all meals and extra sales be paid in advance. This saves time and allows more time for the students to enjoy their meal. You may send any amount of money anytime. Please include the student’s name, grade & computer number on any payments.
  • All balances will be rolled over to the next school year unless a refund is requested.
  • Students may use advance payments to purchase extra sale items. If you request that pre-payments be used for lunch only, students would be required to pay cash on the line for extras.
  • Diet Prescription forms are available upon requests and must be completed by your doctor or medical professional. You must provide a new form each school year.
  • Free/reduced meal information will be given to every student on the first day of school. If you choose to apply, please complete the online process as soon as possible. If your child received free or reduced price meals last school year, you will need to re-apply online at

As always, School Food and Nutrition Services does not allow any student to charge meals or extra sale items. Some schools will send a notice when the balance is low. However, in an effort to go “Green” we are encouraging parents to take advantage of our on-line payment option.

On-Line Payments: Visit the website and click on the online payment link for more information.

  • One initial on-line payment is required to view the account
  • The fee is waived for the first bank draft payment
  • Minimal fees are charged for all subsequent bank drafts and all credit card payments
  • Make payments to your child’s cafeteria account anytime during the school year
  • View student purchases & account balances (no fee after 1st payment)
  • Sign up for monthly auto draft, email or text alerts for low balance no fee after 1st payment)

If I may be of assistance, please feel free to contact me. Your comments are always welcome.

Christina Bordelon, Cafeteria Manager
Cafeteria phone number, 985-626-7609; Cafeteria email address,

For more information, including menus & nutritional data, visit our web page

Eating well and staying active help me
do my best in school.

Ollie CArdinal